‘Traversing’ 25x31cm will be showing at the Fronteer Open 19 exhibition at the 35 Chapelwalk gallery from 27th November to the 6th Dec, do call in and take a look if you’re in Sheffield city centre open daily 11-4pm Mon to Sat.
‘Traversing’ 25x31cm will be showing at the Fronteer Open 19 exhibition at the 35 Chapelwalk gallery from 27th November to the 6th Dec, do call in and take a look if you’re in Sheffield city centre open daily 11-4pm Mon to Sat.
I’ll be exhibiting three Peak district inspired landscapes as part of the Cupola’s winter show ‘Symbol’. As always the gallery will be full of wondrous treats by a wide range of highly skilled artists. The show opens on Fri 22nd November at 7.30pm with mulled wine and mince pies, all welcome, and runs till the 4 Jan.
I have five small seascapes showing at The Great Little Picture Show at the Dovecot Gallery .This gorgeous little rural gallery has loads of handmade items by over 100 artists and makers. Open 14 Nov to 15 Dec, Thurs to Sat 11-4pm, Sun 12-4pm.